Country Garden Gift Crate-image-0



Country Garden Gift Crate

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About this product
Our country garden crate is everything to gift a person who's all about the vintage aesthetic! A crate with florals, a potted plant, and a scented candle - it cannot get any better than this. Dottedi's Country Garden Crate is perfect for nature lovers and admirers. It's also a step forward to conserving Mother Earth and finally going, Green!

Dimensions of crate - 12x8x6 (in inches)
Care Instructions

- When your flowers arrive, just trim the stems and add water. Re-cut 1-2?? of the stems at a 45-degree angle
- Use a clean vase and clean water.
- Remove the leaves below the water line but do not remove all leaves along the stem length.
- Check the water level daily and replenish as needed.
- Don??t place flowers in direct sunlight or near any other source of excessive heat.
- All flowers benefit from a daily mist of water.

Enjoy your flowers!