Traditional Icelandic Dark Chocolate (45%)-image-0

Food Items

Grapevine Store

Traditional Icelandic Dark Chocolate (45%)

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About this product

Traditional Icelandic 45% chocolate with volcano on the cover!

This chocolate is very similar to the classic dark "suðusúkkulaði" but just a bit more polished version. The texture is a bit finer, it is shinier and just feels more luxurious somehow. Extremely good chocolate but for volcano fanatics like us it was probably the packaging that reeled us in. 

Ingredients: Sykur, kakómassi, kakósmjör, ýruefni (sojalesitín), bourbon vanilla. Kakóþurrefni 45% að lágmarki. Framleitt í verksmiðju þar sem unnið er með mjólk, soja, trjáhnetur og hveiti.

Orka / Energy: 2256/538kJ/kcal
Fita / Fat: 32g
Þar af mettuð / Of which saturates: 19g
Kolvetni / Carbohydrate: 56g
Þar af sykurtegundir / Of which sugars: 54g
Prótein / Protein: 3,2g
Salt: 0,01g