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Pink Bouquet

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About this product

Leave a lasting impression and make an occasion memorable with this delightful pink bouquet. Comprised of a mixture of flowers including roses, chrysanthemums, carnantions, alstromeria and more, it is a gorgeous ensemble of amazing flowers. There are various hues and shades of pink, mixed with greens, peaches and whites that are extremely enchanting and compliment one another very well. 

This beautifully arranged flower bouquet captivates the eye and heart of anyone who receives it with its elegance and beauty. Show someone you care by sending a wonderful bouquet, and adding a sentimental, heartfelt message. This elevates the gift to the next level knowing that there is a deeper meaning behind the reason you sent it.

Give the gift of a gorgeous pink bouquet, that will long be remembered after the blooms have faded. Each bloom is high quality and freshness that can be enjoyed to liven and brighten any room it is placed within.

Order your Pink Bouquet today, and use our flower same day delivery in Toronto and GTA to make special occasions even more memorable. Surprise someone you care about and make it extra special for when they receive flowers right at their doorstep.