Ryan D'Silva
Ryan D'Silva


Ryan D'Silva


Product Advisor


Innovative Product Manager, Tech Expert

Ryan D'Silva is a highly experienced product manager with a strong background in engineering, currently serving as the Principal Product Manager at VuMedi since September 2023. He also holds the role of Product Advisor at PerkUp, providing strategic guidance since February 2021. Ryan's expertise in driving technical and strategic innovation in B2B/C SaaS products is well-established, with a track record that includes collaborating on Grammarly’s use of Generative AI, scaling SMB fintech at Eventbrite, growing revenue at Yelp, and tackling fraud at PayPal.

Ryan's ability to understand customers' core needs and create cross-functional partnerships has been pivotal in shipping lean prototypes and iterating towards scalable, high-quality product experiences. His roles have seen him leading initiatives in go-to-market strategy, SaaS, B2B software, user experience, and monetization. His tenure at notable companies like Grammarly, Eventbrite, Yelp, and PayPal, coupled with his roles at VuMedi and PerkUp, reflect his versatility and ability to deliver results across diverse sectors.


We work and think globally

Engineering Team

Our Engineering team works around the world, from Vancouver to Brussels.

Sales and Marketing Team

Our Sales and Marketing team works from the beautiful offices in Communitech, located in Kitchener, Ontario. 🇨🇦

We Work Remotely

PerkUp embraces remote work from around the world – team members work in Mexico, Colombia, Belgium, and more places.

130+ Countries

We work with customers in over 130 countries to deliver stellar swag, gifts and rewards.

Start sending incredible swag and gifts

Start sending incredible swag and gifts

Start sending incredible swag and gifts

Enhance and refine your staff swag and gifting process for greater commitment, engagement, and productivity.