Employee Appreciation
Employee Appreciation
Employee Appreciation
7 Fun Game Ideas For Welcoming New Employees
7 Fun Game Ideas For Welcoming New Employees
7 Fun Game Ideas For Welcoming New Employees
Welcome new team members with excitement! Discover seven engaging games that enhance onboarding, fostering connections and easing transitions in any work environment.
Welcome new team members with excitement! Discover seven engaging games that enhance onboarding, fostering connections and easing transitions in any work environment.
Welcome new team members with excitement! Discover seven engaging games that enhance onboarding, fostering connections and easing transitions in any work environment.
Apr 26, 2024
min read

The onboarding process at any new job is undeniably daunting for new recruits. It’s the HR manager, employer, or business owner’s role to allow a gentle, relaxed integration into the existing workplace dynamic.
Fun new employee welcome games are the way to go when it comes to making sure this process is more natural and fun.
That’s why we’ve put together a list of seven fun game ideas for welcoming new employees for you to try. All of these games can be applied to remote, in-person, or hybrid workspaces – making them perfect for breaking the ice for any new employee.
Why organize a game or ice breaker when welcoming new employees?

New hires will automatically introduce a new team dynamic to the workplace. And we all know that first impressions stick.
Therefore, a successful onboarding process is essential to making a positive impact on new employees from the onset of their arrival. The aim of your onboarding process for new hires should be to allow them to integrate smoothly into the existing work atmosphere.
A welcome new employee game provides a safe and comfortable space for new and old employees to get to know each other beyond their office persona.
Trust and connection-building welcome games for new employees support a positive, inclusive company culture, encourage an energetic atmosphere, and spark curiosity into each other’s lives.
7 fun game ideas and ice breaker activities to welcome new employees
Let’s take a look at some fun and engaging games and icebreaker ideas to make new employees feel welcome!
1. Two truths and a lie
This is a classic and popular game that won’t require too much explanation time. The Two Truths and a Lie game involves each new employee making three statements about themselves. As the name suggests, two are true and one is a lie. Then the rest of the group members must guess which statement is the lie.
This game is an awesome way to welcome new employees both virtually and in person. There are many benefits to including it in your onboarding process for your new employees.
Two Truths and a Lie loosens everyone up and eases anxiety. It often evolves into a laughter-packed experience, while employees can learn about their different hobbies, habits, and cultures. As a result, it can open doors for future conversations and deeper connections.
2. Jenga ice-breaking questions
There is an excess of brilliant ice-breaking questions you could ask your new hires to learn about each other and their preferences. But why not make it a little more fun, exciting, and competitive?
Take a game of Jenga and stick an icebreaker question to each block. Then build the tower and play the Jenga game as per the usual rules. Each time someone carefully pulls out a block, they must answer the question on the block.
Here’s a list of question suggestions that are sure to intrigue, surprise, and delight:
What’s your favorite series/film and why?
What was your first, worst, or most unusual job?
What’s one accomplishment you’re proud of?
If you could choose to have any superpower, what would you choose? And why?
What would your theme song be?
What is one thing on your bucket list?
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
How do you cope with stress?
Would You Rather Questions. These could be straightforward or outrageous and hilarious.
3. Guess who
This one requires a bit of intel gathering. Ask each new employee to send you a baby photo of themself. Stick them all up on a board and formulate a game in which everyone must match the baby photo to the coworker they see today. It’s not as easy as it sounds! And it’s fascinating to see how much everyone has changed over the years.
You can also ask each new hire to write one fact about themself on two or three pieces of scrap paper. Add each of these to a hat. Then pull them out one by one as the rest of the group guesses who the talent, skill, interest, background, etc., the scrap paper pieces belong to.
We have one important factor to note here. Ensure that every person is included in these activities. There’s huge value in having a sense of belonging at work. Someone feeling they’re the only employee without a baby photo on the board can be very isolating.
Related: How To Welcome A New Employee Virtually (Complete Guide)
4. Human bingo
This is a fun game that, while prompting interaction, connection, and socialization, is focused less on thinking and more on doing.
Design a bingo board with various questions or statements that may apply to employees or ask your employees to each submit their own interesting facts about themselves.
Print one for each employee, hand them each a pen, and then allow them to roam around the room. The employees are forced to interact with every other member of the group by questioning them and asking them to sign in a Bingo block that applies to them.
The first person to get a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row signed off, must shout Bingo! and are the winner of the game.
Suggestions for what to write in the Bingo blocks:
Plays a musical instrument
Has an unusual/exotic pet
Was born in another country
Has the same number of siblings as you
Plays an unusual sport
Speaks more than three languages
5. Ten things in common
A great way to create bonds between old and new employees is to include existing employees in certain icebreakers. This aids in avoiding segregation and intimidation as new hires join the company.
Divide employees into pairs of one existing employee and one new employee. Give them a pen and pad. Then instruct all group members to discuss and write down ten things they have in common with their partner. Then set a timer and let the relationships build and strengthen!
Make it challenging by excluding any visual or physical similarities (hair, eyes, clothes, etc.). Encourage the pairing to focus on their histories, personalities, and circumstances.
One-on-one icebreakers such as these are often far less anxiety-provoking than massive groups. And existing employees can give new employees a warm, personal welcome.
Forming bonds based on mutual interests and qualities is a surefire way to create a cohesive, flowing company culture.
Related: 18 Fun Ways To Welcome New Employees To The Team
6. Scavenger hunt
Scavenger hunts are not just for kids! They can also be one of many fun ways to welcome new employees to the team.
Conduct a scavenger hunt in the office or around the neighborhood. Or go big and use the whole city! Note that there are many apps available that can make the planning process a lot easier.
Divide everyone up into equal teams or have everyone compete in their work teams so that new employees can get to know their coworkers better. Give each team instructions and clues to follow and allow the friendly competition to commence!
Give the teams objects to find that you’ve hidden or ask them to retrieve a certain number of pens, magnets, snack bars, etc. This applies nicely to an in-office scavenger hunt (that can double as a tour of the office).
Other suggestions include instructing the teams to take photos and videos to show to the rest of the groups later. For example, instruct them to recreate certain popular album covers, sing popular tunes, pull certain poses, or take selfies in front of specific monuments, businesses, number plates, etc.
7. Balloon question-answering game
Finally, we present a game that connects new employees not only with each other but with the facilitator and the company itself. The Balloon Question-Answering Game should be conducted after a workshop, orientation, or meeting.
At the end of the workshop, bring in enough helium balloons of the same color so each person will receive one or two of them. Hand each member of the group one or two helium balloons with strings and a marker. Instruct the employees to write a question on their balloon/s and let them float up to the roof.
Once everyone’s balloons have hit the ceiling in the enclosed space, the facilitator of the group will walk around to each balloon, pull it down with its string and answer the question written on the balloon.
Why is this method so effective? Many new employees struggle with the courage and confidence it takes to ask burning questions out of fear of appearing “silly”. This balloon game provides a sense of anonymity, while encouraging active listening, assuring attendees that their questions will be answered, and ensuring the facilitator maintains control.
An important side note: be wary of popping balloons. Some individuals may have heightened anxiety and startled responses. A balloon suddenly popping out of nowhere could hinder the sense of safety and ease you’re attempting to foster in the first place.
Final thoughts
All of these fun game ideas are a great way to help your new employees connect with others in the company and help break the ice and make them feel more comfortable with their coworkers.
Most of these games are easy to set up and don’t take up a lot of time, making them perfect for slotting into a workday. Just make sure you’ve carved out enough time for a scavenger hunt, for example. You can keep them brief, but don’t rush anything.
Make each game you choose lighthearted, fun, and easy for everyone to understand and participate in. This will help to ease any anxiety for newer employees and help them to get to know their coworkers better in a comfortable and fun setting.

The onboarding process at any new job is undeniably daunting for new recruits. It’s the HR manager, employer, or business owner’s role to allow a gentle, relaxed integration into the existing workplace dynamic.
Fun new employee welcome games are the way to go when it comes to making sure this process is more natural and fun.
That’s why we’ve put together a list of seven fun game ideas for welcoming new employees for you to try. All of these games can be applied to remote, in-person, or hybrid workspaces – making them perfect for breaking the ice for any new employee.
Why organize a game or ice breaker when welcoming new employees?

New hires will automatically introduce a new team dynamic to the workplace. And we all know that first impressions stick.
Therefore, a successful onboarding process is essential to making a positive impact on new employees from the onset of their arrival. The aim of your onboarding process for new hires should be to allow them to integrate smoothly into the existing work atmosphere.
A welcome new employee game provides a safe and comfortable space for new and old employees to get to know each other beyond their office persona.
Trust and connection-building welcome games for new employees support a positive, inclusive company culture, encourage an energetic atmosphere, and spark curiosity into each other’s lives.
7 fun game ideas and ice breaker activities to welcome new employees
Let’s take a look at some fun and engaging games and icebreaker ideas to make new employees feel welcome!
1. Two truths and a lie
This is a classic and popular game that won’t require too much explanation time. The Two Truths and a Lie game involves each new employee making three statements about themselves. As the name suggests, two are true and one is a lie. Then the rest of the group members must guess which statement is the lie.
This game is an awesome way to welcome new employees both virtually and in person. There are many benefits to including it in your onboarding process for your new employees.
Two Truths and a Lie loosens everyone up and eases anxiety. It often evolves into a laughter-packed experience, while employees can learn about their different hobbies, habits, and cultures. As a result, it can open doors for future conversations and deeper connections.
2. Jenga ice-breaking questions
There is an excess of brilliant ice-breaking questions you could ask your new hires to learn about each other and their preferences. But why not make it a little more fun, exciting, and competitive?
Take a game of Jenga and stick an icebreaker question to each block. Then build the tower and play the Jenga game as per the usual rules. Each time someone carefully pulls out a block, they must answer the question on the block.
Here’s a list of question suggestions that are sure to intrigue, surprise, and delight:
What’s your favorite series/film and why?
What was your first, worst, or most unusual job?
What’s one accomplishment you’re proud of?
If you could choose to have any superpower, what would you choose? And why?
What would your theme song be?
What is one thing on your bucket list?
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
How do you cope with stress?
Would You Rather Questions. These could be straightforward or outrageous and hilarious.
3. Guess who
This one requires a bit of intel gathering. Ask each new employee to send you a baby photo of themself. Stick them all up on a board and formulate a game in which everyone must match the baby photo to the coworker they see today. It’s not as easy as it sounds! And it’s fascinating to see how much everyone has changed over the years.
You can also ask each new hire to write one fact about themself on two or three pieces of scrap paper. Add each of these to a hat. Then pull them out one by one as the rest of the group guesses who the talent, skill, interest, background, etc., the scrap paper pieces belong to.
We have one important factor to note here. Ensure that every person is included in these activities. There’s huge value in having a sense of belonging at work. Someone feeling they’re the only employee without a baby photo on the board can be very isolating.
Related: How To Welcome A New Employee Virtually (Complete Guide)
4. Human bingo
This is a fun game that, while prompting interaction, connection, and socialization, is focused less on thinking and more on doing.
Design a bingo board with various questions or statements that may apply to employees or ask your employees to each submit their own interesting facts about themselves.
Print one for each employee, hand them each a pen, and then allow them to roam around the room. The employees are forced to interact with every other member of the group by questioning them and asking them to sign in a Bingo block that applies to them.
The first person to get a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row signed off, must shout Bingo! and are the winner of the game.
Suggestions for what to write in the Bingo blocks:
Plays a musical instrument
Has an unusual/exotic pet
Was born in another country
Has the same number of siblings as you
Plays an unusual sport
Speaks more than three languages
5. Ten things in common
A great way to create bonds between old and new employees is to include existing employees in certain icebreakers. This aids in avoiding segregation and intimidation as new hires join the company.
Divide employees into pairs of one existing employee and one new employee. Give them a pen and pad. Then instruct all group members to discuss and write down ten things they have in common with their partner. Then set a timer and let the relationships build and strengthen!
Make it challenging by excluding any visual or physical similarities (hair, eyes, clothes, etc.). Encourage the pairing to focus on their histories, personalities, and circumstances.
One-on-one icebreakers such as these are often far less anxiety-provoking than massive groups. And existing employees can give new employees a warm, personal welcome.
Forming bonds based on mutual interests and qualities is a surefire way to create a cohesive, flowing company culture.
Related: 18 Fun Ways To Welcome New Employees To The Team
6. Scavenger hunt
Scavenger hunts are not just for kids! They can also be one of many fun ways to welcome new employees to the team.
Conduct a scavenger hunt in the office or around the neighborhood. Or go big and use the whole city! Note that there are many apps available that can make the planning process a lot easier.
Divide everyone up into equal teams or have everyone compete in their work teams so that new employees can get to know their coworkers better. Give each team instructions and clues to follow and allow the friendly competition to commence!
Give the teams objects to find that you’ve hidden or ask them to retrieve a certain number of pens, magnets, snack bars, etc. This applies nicely to an in-office scavenger hunt (that can double as a tour of the office).
Other suggestions include instructing the teams to take photos and videos to show to the rest of the groups later. For example, instruct them to recreate certain popular album covers, sing popular tunes, pull certain poses, or take selfies in front of specific monuments, businesses, number plates, etc.
7. Balloon question-answering game
Finally, we present a game that connects new employees not only with each other but with the facilitator and the company itself. The Balloon Question-Answering Game should be conducted after a workshop, orientation, or meeting.
At the end of the workshop, bring in enough helium balloons of the same color so each person will receive one or two of them. Hand each member of the group one or two helium balloons with strings and a marker. Instruct the employees to write a question on their balloon/s and let them float up to the roof.
Once everyone’s balloons have hit the ceiling in the enclosed space, the facilitator of the group will walk around to each balloon, pull it down with its string and answer the question written on the balloon.
Why is this method so effective? Many new employees struggle with the courage and confidence it takes to ask burning questions out of fear of appearing “silly”. This balloon game provides a sense of anonymity, while encouraging active listening, assuring attendees that their questions will be answered, and ensuring the facilitator maintains control.
An important side note: be wary of popping balloons. Some individuals may have heightened anxiety and startled responses. A balloon suddenly popping out of nowhere could hinder the sense of safety and ease you’re attempting to foster in the first place.
Final thoughts
All of these fun game ideas are a great way to help your new employees connect with others in the company and help break the ice and make them feel more comfortable with their coworkers.
Most of these games are easy to set up and don’t take up a lot of time, making them perfect for slotting into a workday. Just make sure you’ve carved out enough time for a scavenger hunt, for example. You can keep them brief, but don’t rush anything.
Make each game you choose lighthearted, fun, and easy for everyone to understand and participate in. This will help to ease any anxiety for newer employees and help them to get to know their coworkers better in a comfortable and fun setting.

The onboarding process at any new job is undeniably daunting for new recruits. It’s the HR manager, employer, or business owner’s role to allow a gentle, relaxed integration into the existing workplace dynamic.
Fun new employee welcome games are the way to go when it comes to making sure this process is more natural and fun.
That’s why we’ve put together a list of seven fun game ideas for welcoming new employees for you to try. All of these games can be applied to remote, in-person, or hybrid workspaces – making them perfect for breaking the ice for any new employee.
Why organize a game or ice breaker when welcoming new employees?

New hires will automatically introduce a new team dynamic to the workplace. And we all know that first impressions stick.
Therefore, a successful onboarding process is essential to making a positive impact on new employees from the onset of their arrival. The aim of your onboarding process for new hires should be to allow them to integrate smoothly into the existing work atmosphere.
A welcome new employee game provides a safe and comfortable space for new and old employees to get to know each other beyond their office persona.
Trust and connection-building welcome games for new employees support a positive, inclusive company culture, encourage an energetic atmosphere, and spark curiosity into each other’s lives.
7 fun game ideas and ice breaker activities to welcome new employees
Let’s take a look at some fun and engaging games and icebreaker ideas to make new employees feel welcome!
1. Two truths and a lie
This is a classic and popular game that won’t require too much explanation time. The Two Truths and a Lie game involves each new employee making three statements about themselves. As the name suggests, two are true and one is a lie. Then the rest of the group members must guess which statement is the lie.
This game is an awesome way to welcome new employees both virtually and in person. There are many benefits to including it in your onboarding process for your new employees.
Two Truths and a Lie loosens everyone up and eases anxiety. It often evolves into a laughter-packed experience, while employees can learn about their different hobbies, habits, and cultures. As a result, it can open doors for future conversations and deeper connections.
2. Jenga ice-breaking questions
There is an excess of brilliant ice-breaking questions you could ask your new hires to learn about each other and their preferences. But why not make it a little more fun, exciting, and competitive?
Take a game of Jenga and stick an icebreaker question to each block. Then build the tower and play the Jenga game as per the usual rules. Each time someone carefully pulls out a block, they must answer the question on the block.
Here’s a list of question suggestions that are sure to intrigue, surprise, and delight:
What’s your favorite series/film and why?
What was your first, worst, or most unusual job?
What’s one accomplishment you’re proud of?
If you could choose to have any superpower, what would you choose? And why?
What would your theme song be?
What is one thing on your bucket list?
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
How do you cope with stress?
Would You Rather Questions. These could be straightforward or outrageous and hilarious.
3. Guess who
This one requires a bit of intel gathering. Ask each new employee to send you a baby photo of themself. Stick them all up on a board and formulate a game in which everyone must match the baby photo to the coworker they see today. It’s not as easy as it sounds! And it’s fascinating to see how much everyone has changed over the years.
You can also ask each new hire to write one fact about themself on two or three pieces of scrap paper. Add each of these to a hat. Then pull them out one by one as the rest of the group guesses who the talent, skill, interest, background, etc., the scrap paper pieces belong to.
We have one important factor to note here. Ensure that every person is included in these activities. There’s huge value in having a sense of belonging at work. Someone feeling they’re the only employee without a baby photo on the board can be very isolating.
Related: How To Welcome A New Employee Virtually (Complete Guide)
4. Human bingo
This is a fun game that, while prompting interaction, connection, and socialization, is focused less on thinking and more on doing.
Design a bingo board with various questions or statements that may apply to employees or ask your employees to each submit their own interesting facts about themselves.
Print one for each employee, hand them each a pen, and then allow them to roam around the room. The employees are forced to interact with every other member of the group by questioning them and asking them to sign in a Bingo block that applies to them.
The first person to get a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row signed off, must shout Bingo! and are the winner of the game.
Suggestions for what to write in the Bingo blocks:
Plays a musical instrument
Has an unusual/exotic pet
Was born in another country
Has the same number of siblings as you
Plays an unusual sport
Speaks more than three languages
5. Ten things in common
A great way to create bonds between old and new employees is to include existing employees in certain icebreakers. This aids in avoiding segregation and intimidation as new hires join the company.
Divide employees into pairs of one existing employee and one new employee. Give them a pen and pad. Then instruct all group members to discuss and write down ten things they have in common with their partner. Then set a timer and let the relationships build and strengthen!
Make it challenging by excluding any visual or physical similarities (hair, eyes, clothes, etc.). Encourage the pairing to focus on their histories, personalities, and circumstances.
One-on-one icebreakers such as these are often far less anxiety-provoking than massive groups. And existing employees can give new employees a warm, personal welcome.
Forming bonds based on mutual interests and qualities is a surefire way to create a cohesive, flowing company culture.
Related: 18 Fun Ways To Welcome New Employees To The Team
6. Scavenger hunt
Scavenger hunts are not just for kids! They can also be one of many fun ways to welcome new employees to the team.
Conduct a scavenger hunt in the office or around the neighborhood. Or go big and use the whole city! Note that there are many apps available that can make the planning process a lot easier.
Divide everyone up into equal teams or have everyone compete in their work teams so that new employees can get to know their coworkers better. Give each team instructions and clues to follow and allow the friendly competition to commence!
Give the teams objects to find that you’ve hidden or ask them to retrieve a certain number of pens, magnets, snack bars, etc. This applies nicely to an in-office scavenger hunt (that can double as a tour of the office).
Other suggestions include instructing the teams to take photos and videos to show to the rest of the groups later. For example, instruct them to recreate certain popular album covers, sing popular tunes, pull certain poses, or take selfies in front of specific monuments, businesses, number plates, etc.
7. Balloon question-answering game
Finally, we present a game that connects new employees not only with each other but with the facilitator and the company itself. The Balloon Question-Answering Game should be conducted after a workshop, orientation, or meeting.
At the end of the workshop, bring in enough helium balloons of the same color so each person will receive one or two of them. Hand each member of the group one or two helium balloons with strings and a marker. Instruct the employees to write a question on their balloon/s and let them float up to the roof.
Once everyone’s balloons have hit the ceiling in the enclosed space, the facilitator of the group will walk around to each balloon, pull it down with its string and answer the question written on the balloon.
Why is this method so effective? Many new employees struggle with the courage and confidence it takes to ask burning questions out of fear of appearing “silly”. This balloon game provides a sense of anonymity, while encouraging active listening, assuring attendees that their questions will be answered, and ensuring the facilitator maintains control.
An important side note: be wary of popping balloons. Some individuals may have heightened anxiety and startled responses. A balloon suddenly popping out of nowhere could hinder the sense of safety and ease you’re attempting to foster in the first place.
Final thoughts
All of these fun game ideas are a great way to help your new employees connect with others in the company and help break the ice and make them feel more comfortable with their coworkers.
Most of these games are easy to set up and don’t take up a lot of time, making them perfect for slotting into a workday. Just make sure you’ve carved out enough time for a scavenger hunt, for example. You can keep them brief, but don’t rush anything.
Make each game you choose lighthearted, fun, and easy for everyone to understand and participate in. This will help to ease any anxiety for newer employees and help them to get to know their coworkers better in a comfortable and fun setting.

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